Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS vs Compile all the things!

I recently committed myself to giving up Natty 11.04, and moving on to Precise 12.04. Even though the name is ghastly and the IU is crippled, the bones are strong.  The back bone provided an old reliable feel for an old hack like me who spends all his time "tappidy tap tap" at the console prompt.  Even when I use the UI I have multiple terms running.  Text scrolling before my eyes , while I watch from above.

I have a ritual I follow every so often, I install every compiler I can get my greedy stubby fingers on just to see what breaks. Let me tell you, I threw rockbox at 12.04, rockbox installs like 4 or 5 different cross compilers on your box from scratch. Then I dumped cegcc into my /src directory and compiled and installed that.  Then I opened synaptic searched for gcc and installed every found compiler and cross compiler there, as long as I avoid conflicts. Precise took all this in stride, now I can spend the next 5 years fixing my UI issues with it.

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